It may be old news, but we still have some important things to say about the Will Smith and Chris Rock slapfest. In “Episode 26 – It’s Just a Joke, Bro!”, we discuss the outburst, but only briefly.
There is no need for us to linger for too long on the actual situation. The reality is that every single one of us have found ourselves in the shoes of both Will Smith and Chris Rock before. Well, not in their overwhelming riches and success, but in the psychological and relational cross roads which leave us with difficult choices to make.
Every person has a sense of responsibility attached to their words, and in that way we can learn a little from taking a look at Chris Rocks role in the slapfest. In the same way, we also have the responsibility to control our emotional responses, our reactions, to the things people say. In that way we can learn a little by taking a look at Will Smiths role in the festival of slap.
The third element to consider would be that of grace and patience with one another. We have so much to learn while here on this planet (and if we ever found ourselves living on another one of course), we can always make space for being teachable.
Journey with us as we figure out what lessons we can learn from these famous guys, by specifically not trying to be like them.
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