Welcome to the first of a two part series, “Episode 48 – Little Jesus Syndrome [PART 2]”. We as Christians are called to become more and more like Jesus, right? Right?
Well, in this episode we discuss just HOW we are called to be like Jesus. Inspired by a recent event in which a Mozambican Pastor attempted to successfully do a 40 day dry fast…and failed…with a very tragic ending indeed.
Is it good to follow Jesus’ example down to the finest details, even if it leads to pain, sorrow, or death?
Every Christian is well versed in the concept of becoming more and more like Christ. Often we get a little carried away with the nature of imitation displayed by said pastor, and we try to become ‘little Jesus’ ‘.
Is it good to follow Jesus’ example down to the finest details, even if it leads to pain, sorrow, or death? Well in this episode we discuss a little of what we believe and how we approach the issue.
Converse with us as we deliberate the extent of imitation that is called for by scripture, and what that means for your life today.
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