In this episode, [Episode 41 – Was Jesus a Communist?], we explore the relationship between following Christ and following materialistic comfort.
Modern Christianity is surrounded by societies built upon greed and luxury
It is clear from studying scripture that Jesus had much to say about riches, materialism, and cash in general. What isn’t always clear, is how we should apply those things in our lives today.
Modern Christianity is surrounded by societies built upon greed and luxury, and in some ways it has become a difficult context to interpret some of Christs words.
Does God want to bless you with riches, or should we all become Amish? Are rich people blessed, or cursed? Does God expect you to sell everything and give to the poor, or does He expect you to leave an inheritance for your grandchildren?
We may or may not answer any of these questions, but we have some ideas for you to consider as you journey down the path of Christendom.
We look forward to sharing this with you!
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