“DEAR MEN: DO BETTER” is a call to men from every walk of life to step up to the plate and just do better.
The world has become far too comfortable with men giving up on the God-given mandate to be a pillar of morality and stability. When we hear of another man committing a violent crime, or involved in an adulterous relationship, we kind of shrug it off as ‘expected’.
That also means that we believe in the importance of a man being a man. Being above reproach, faithful, of a sound mind.
Some men slip off the slope intentionally, others make a conscious decision to jump off the slope. Either way, we challenge you men of the world: Do Better.
We believe men can be better, we believe men should do better. That also means that we believe in the importance of a man being a man. Being above reproach, faithful, of a sound mind. These are traits we should be pursuing…at all costs.
Join us as we discuss the failures and successes of some of Christianity’s men who have found themselves on the slope.
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