‘Episode 28 – Objection Hearsay’ is our first episode in a few weeks, but also our first episode in which we deal with a few themes in one episode.
Some of our listeners may have already made the connection between the title and the somewhat trending feature of Amber Heards lawyers in the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard case. We take a moment to discuss some thoughts surrounding this case in particular. As is our nature, we also delve into some significant details that have societal impact.
After a smooth segue, we chat a little about Elon Musk and his recent purchase of Twitter. This primarily allows us an opportunity to talk about our opinions on the issue of freedom of speech.
Lastly we discuss the very significant situation regarding the Roe vs Wade case in America, which has some influence on the future of abortion in their country. We naturally take the opportunity to briefly discuss our views on abortion.
If you want an update on world events and our opinions of them, you can count on us to be late to the party, and take too long to tell you. Thank you for your support!
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