Here we are, Episode 21. We never thought that this would be the topic of our 21st Episode, but alas. World War Putin has begun.
It is almost impossible to ignore the reality of what is going on between Russia and Ukraine. Is that because it is so rare for countries to go to war? Probably not. Whatever the reason, we decided to discuss the concept of war, as well as how we should respond to it.
To be blatant about it, war is bad. We can’t believe that we have to defend such a statement. It doesn’t matter who you are, and where you are from. War. Is. Bad.
Should we stand eagerly in line to get drafted in order to defend our borders? Should we surrender to our attackers? Is killing people ok? Is doing nothing ok?
These are things that we need to personally figure out before we blindly start making calls on how others should be acting. We have some opinions on the matter, but especially in this case, we could be so wrong.
We would love to hear your beliefs on these issues! Jump over to our social platforms and get involved in the discussion:
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