Now that I have your attention, let me ask you this question: Have you done something ‘cancelable’ in the last week?
Considering that the rules are changing, seemingly every day, there is no way of telling. Chances are though, if you are a professing Christian, that you hold to beliefs and convictions that will undoubtedly get you “canceled” in today’s world. What does it mean to be canceled though?
Well, according to the world, this is simply the consequences of holding to the wrong belief or opinion. though the consequences may vary depending on who you are; you could lose your job, you could get banned from Facebook and Twitter. The only common denominator is that it is happening to you because of the opinions you hold, and the reality is, the things that Jesus said and believed, would have gotten Him canceled today.
and the reality is, the things that Jesus said and believed, would have gotten Him canceled today.”
JP Le Roux
So, dear Christians: You, who hold to the belief and the standards of Jesus Christ, by definition, hold to beliefs and opinions, that will get you canceled. This shouldn’t really surprise us as followers of Christ though, I mean, He did say, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you…” (John 15:18)
Jesus is saying, the reason why the world is against Christians, is because the world was against Him first. In other words; the world by default hates what Jesus stood for, and thus, if we stand for the things that Jesus stood for, the world will hate us. This is what we need to keep in mind, when our churches are attacked by the world for being “controversial”; this is just the world reacting to Christians the way the world reacted to Jesus when he was walking on earth.
If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you…”
– John 15:18
This brings the Christian to a place where a decision needs to be made. Either the person decides to follow the world in order to please the world, so that they won’t be canceled by the world. The result of this, however, is that denying Christ means that God will deny you (Matthew 10:33). Alternatively the person decides to follow Jesus and the standards that He stood for, and thus embraces “cancellation” from the world. The noticeable difference here is the reality of eternity. If the world cancels you, you are canceled in a temporary world that is bound to fade away. The other option is more dramatic, because if God denies you, you are denied for eternity.
This is the choice every Christian has to make: Either be canceled by the world, or be denied by God. I would encourage every reader to choose to embrace being canceled by the world, if that means following Jesus and the standard that He revealed to us. Choose the Gospel, accept cancellation.
Choose the Gospel, accept cancellation.”
JP Le Roux